In Love With Zeitschild: Fien

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In Love With

Every month we ask a Zeitschild enthusiast to tell us about his or her experience with a Zeitschild product.

This month, it's Fien Dequecker.

- Antwerp
- 2 daughters, Liv & Cilou
- Freelance marketeer & content creator
- Passion for lifestyle, interior design and fashion products.

Could you tell us a bit about your skin?

‘Overall, I am quite satisfied with how my skin looks, but it does need some care. That's why I always look for information about the ingredients of my skin care products. When I don't get a lot of sleep, which can sometimes happen with two little girls in the house, it shows on my skin.’

What's your skin routine?

‘Good hydration, sleep hygiene and drinking sufficient water are essential. Still, my skin is quite demanding so I can't use just any product.’

What's the little extra your skin needs?

‘I like to be protected against UV, because I've already developed small pigment spots by forgetting sunscreen.’

Why Zeitschild?

‘Standard care products have caused rashes and hives in the past. Zeitschild's innovative approach ensures that I am free of allergic reactions. My skin feels pure and is protected against UV and harmful substances. What's more, the products are free of preservatives and perfume, which I personally always prefer.’

Product choice:
Active Relief Serum & Night Repair Cream

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